Hello, Adam
Unto Thy Word
The following is my answer to an e-mail I received on July 5, 2018. This is the first e-mail I have received in response to any of the messages on Unto Thy Word, despite that the website first went up nearly a year ago, on September 3, 2017 (if memory serves, but don’t quote me on that, I may be off by a few weeks or so).
†Please note that I have now removed my email, along with any other identifying material previously up on this website, as of late, I have experienced several incidents which indicate that I am under spiritual attack by evil forces, and H.G. has urged me to remove all personally identifying information from Unto Thy Word, for my own personal safety, until the time that my Lord and Saviour Yeshua HaMashiach and my Father in heaven see fit to manage my ultimate fate according to the will of the Holy Trinity. Jesus is Lord. Amen.†
Now, returning to the matter at hand concerning my email exchange with this man, the Holy Spirit did not move me to give answers until today, July 25, 2018, and this is the e-mail sent back to the person that contacted me, whom I will refer to as ‘Adam’. (In case you were worried, rest assured, I contacted Adam back quickly, on July 6, to let him know I had received his message, but would need some time to contemplate and pray on it, to ensure my answers back would indeed by remitted by the Holy Spirit). So, today was the day good old H.G. deemed fit to answer. Yes, I’ve come to think of Him as H.G., just refer to the ‘Holy Spirit’ page and you’ll see.
Anyhow, as I was saying, apparently today was the day H.G. deemed fit to finally answer. Adam’s original questions in his e-mail to me are numbered and appear in Italics, exactly as he wrote them (no spelling or other grammatical corrections), although, to clarify, he did not send them in Italics, only numbered. Also, I do not know Adam. He could be fifteen years old, or he could be fifty. I don’t know where he lives, or even what country. His English seems proper, but that doesn’t tell me anything about him, necessarily. My point is simply that Adam is not a friend or anyone that I’m aware of having met in real life.
At the end of writing my e-mail response to Adam, while being led by the Holy Spirit (i.e., H.G.), I was then further moved to include it here on Unto Thy Word as a new message, number eight, in fact. Adam was informed of this. There was also a post scriptum added with a few things to remain private between just he and I, but I did point out to him, and so will do the same now to whoever might read this, that perhaps you might take note of how different my writing voice is when it is just me talking, and not the Holy Spirit. I think it becomes markedly different, to the point that, while reading, you can see where the Holy Spirit just seems to come in and take over (sometimes much more heavily than others). Some sentences, it’s clearly still me, and yet, some others, you can clearly see that I am no longer driving and H.G. has taken the wheel (although, answering an e-mail makes this message very different for me, as this is the closest I’ve ever come to feeling like H.G. and myself might be ‘co-piloting’), which was an overwhelming and entirely new experience for me.
I did not expect to have my e-mail response to Adam become a new message here on Unto Thy Word, and yet, as I was signing off with my quick P.S., I suddenly heard the Holy Spirit very clearly and unmistakably telling me to do so. This was not the ‘still small voice’ that I am used to hearing, that can be confusing for me at times, because, sometimes it’s so small, I’m not certain if it’s just me, my thoughts. Then there are other times H.G. yells at me (not angry-yells, mind you, just, loud enough so I can be certain to hear Him, I guess, lol). Maybe when He yells to make certain I’ll hear Him and act, those are the more urgent words, the ones that really count towards reaching someone. It may not even be Adam, but rather, someone here on Unto Thy Word who reads these answers to Adam. I truly have no idea. The Lord works in mysterious ways, as they say.
I only bring up the difference between my voice and H.G.’s to make certain readers understand that when the Holy Spirit is speaking, He is the author, not myself, and so, I ultimately cannot take any credit for the answers. †All the Glory of His Wisdom goes directly to the exaltation and magnification of the Lord Jesus Christ and His Holy Spirit, for Jesus is Lord. Amen.†
In closing, I just never know when the Holy Spirit is done with me. Each message, I’m sure is the last, and then I’m proven wrong, yet again. So, rather than say this is the last message, or even that it probably is, I’ll just leave off now and let people read. If any of Adam’s questions, or the answers I was led to provide further help to guide any readers in drawing closer to God, then praise the Lord, for †Jesus Christ is the Lord God Almighty. Amen.†
Hello, Adam,
As promised, I will now attempt to address your questions, as best as I understand them. I will go point by point, but please remain patient if I appear to be curt in some of my answers. The truth is that I cannot answer all your questions to the extent that you might wish, as it would mean writing yet again the messages of the Holy Spirit, all of which are already written and available on Unto Thy Word, and to write them yet again is unnecessary. Yet, I do not wish to seem dismissive of your concerns either, as you have indicated a desire (which is commendable) to understand. So, to begin with question number one.
1. If you say that no one can come to the Father save through His Son Jesus Christ, how did Enoch and Elijah make it to where they went?
As I have stated before, the answers to all your questions already reside within the messages you ask your questions of. I refer you back to the original message. (Phronimos Dienthymeomai, on the page titled ‘The Rapture’). But, specifically under the first half of the message, titled hupsélos. The answers are there. As stated, Enoch “walked with God”, meaning, his actions in life were pleasing enough to God that Enoch was deemed worthy to be caught up, instead of simply dying. Please understand that even those stated to have “died” are not necessarily lost. As is later clarified in the message titled Obadyahu, John 5:17-29 (KJV):
17 But Jesus answered them, My Father worketh hitherto, and I work.
18 Therefore the Jews sought the more to kill him, because he not only had broken the sabbath, but said also that God was his Father, making himself equal with God.
19 Then answered Jesus and said unto them, Verily, verily, I say unto you, The Son can do nothing of himself, but what he seeth the Father do: for what things soever he doeth, these also doeth the Son likewise.
20 For the Father loveth the Son, and sheweth him all things that himself doeth: and he will shew him greater works than these, that ye may marvel.
21 For as the Father raiseth up the dead, and quickeneth them; even so the Son quickeneth whom he will.
22 For the Father judgeth no man, but hath committed all judgment unto the Son:
23 That all men should honour the Son, even as they honour the Father. He that honoureth not the Son honoureth not the Father which hath sent him.
24 Verily, verily, I say unto you, He that heareth my word, and believeth on him that sent me, hath everlasting life, and shall not come into condemnation; but is passed from death unto life.
25 Verily, verily, I say unto you, The hour is coming, and now is, when the dead shall hear the voice of the Son of God: and they that hear shall live.
26 For as the Father hath life in himself; so hath he given to the Son to have life in himself;
27 And hath given him authority to execute judgment also, because he is the Son of man.
28 Marvel not at this: for the hour is coming, in the which all that are in the graves shall hear his voice,
29 And shall come forth; they that have done good, unto the resurrection of life; and they that have done evil, unto the resurrection of damnation.
Even all who lived and died before the time of Christ will hear His voice, and “they that have done good” will be awakened “unto the resurrection of life”. All who fell under the original covenant of God the Father, have been given to His Son, Jesus Christ, as stated by Jesus in John 10:24-30 (KJV):
24 Then came the Jews round about him, and said unto him, How long dost thou make us to doubt? If thou be the Christ, tell us plainly.
25 Jesus answered them, I told you, and ye believed not: the works that I do in my Father’s name, they bear witness of me.
26 But ye believe not, because ye are not of my sheep, as I said unto you.
27 My sheep hear my voice, and I know them, and they follow me:
28 And I give unto them eternal life; and they shall never perish, neither shall any man pluck them out of my hand.
29 My Father, which gave them me, is greater than all; and no man is able to pluck them out of my Father’s hand.
30 I and my Father are one.
As for the prophet Elijah, again, as stated in the message concerning him, God honored him with a catching away unlike any other prophet (or human being, period) that ever lived before. It would seem clear then that God was well-pleased with the service of Elijah also, and as He is God, and the only being fit to make any judgment, God saw it fit to honor both Enoch and Elijah with a catching away. All others have died and now sleep in the spirit, awaiting the day of awakening and judgment. For many, that will be a deliverance unto the kingdom of God, and for many others, unfortunately, to eternal damnation. But as I’ve stated before, all these answers do reside within the messages already.
2. Are you also implying that if for whatever reason there is a mass event maybe through war or a global epidemic outbreak that resulted in huge casualties, that would not be the event you are describing? Would the remaining population still have to wait for the event?
The answer to your question, in fact, is the question itself. However, you repeat in multiple forms that *I* say these things. Ex.: “you say that”, “you also implying”, and I must correct you there, so as not to accept credit for words that are not my own. I say nothing save for what the Holy Spirit commands of me and the wisdom the Holy Spirit delivers (there are a few exceptions to this within a couple of the messages, but I make certain in those places to signify that those few paragraphs are my own thoughts, and not wisdom of, or necessarily from the Holy Spirit, but these paragraphs truly are scant).
Concerning the majority of messages on Unto Thy Word, I have merely transcribed the messages into modern layman’s terms, from one human being to another, but the wisdom and knowledge, and therefore the credit must all go to the Holy Spirit of Jesus Christ, for He is the true author. But to continue answering your question: If there were ever to be a “mass event” that resulted in huge casualties, it would not be the event described by the Holy Spirit, unless it fulfilled all the specific events and details, even prophecy, as laid down in the Holy Word of God within the Scriptures of the Bible. Hence the long and detailed description provided of The Rapture event in the teaching on ‘The Rapture’ page of Unto Thy Word (and concerning all those under the age of 20, i.e. “all children”, that can be found on the 'Obadyahu' page).
Any other event that does not follow all of the exact details specifically as described, and in specific order, (including the sudden and seeming death of every human being under the age of 20 years old!) would obviously not be The Rapture, and so, by that very nature, yes, if it is not The Rapture event, mass casualties aside, the remaining living who would survive such an event would still have to wait for The Rapture event, since it would not have yet occurred. So, now do you see that your question itself, indeed, answers itself? I hope my response has helped to clarify that.
3. If there was a mass disappearance of millions of people at the same instant, why would it be an unwanted event if it would lead to convincing the remaining none believers of the existence of an after life? Why would an obvious sign/proof not be desirable?
The first point I must address is your statement that a mass disappearance of millions of people at the same instant would be “an unwanted event”. There is no relevance in stating The Rapture itself as being wanted or unwanted; the event itself will simply be. It is the will of God. As for why it will fail to convince the remaining non-believers of the existence of an afterlife (I assume by this you mean the existence of God), that is the entire point of the message. Those left behind will not recognize the event that takes place as being The Rapture, because they have been taught through a lie of Satan that The Rapture will involve millions of bodies disappearing. The message delivered by the Holy Spirit reveals this lie and shows through the Holy Word of God how this mass vanishing of bodies is a deception, and the Scriptures of the Bible clearly state that there will be no disappearances, but rather, bodies left behind.
The only relevance to phrasing the event as “unwanted” would be in terms of, by Satan. Satan would desire to obscure the event of The Rapture, as to not be recognized as such by those left behind, to prevent exactly what you are describing: An instant recognition by the remaining masses that God exists and has initiated The Rapture, thus signaling the final events to come, as listed in the Bible in the Book of Revelation. Without Satan’s successful deception, those remaining would then immediately be able to recognize the Antichrist when he rises to power, they would know and fully understand the “mark of the beast”, and they would choose God, the Lord Jesus Christ, as their savior, refuse the mark of the beast, even be willing to go to their deaths in the name of Jesus Christ, and be saved (and lost from the snare of the devil).
Your description of The Rapture as being “an unwanted event” and pondering why such “proof not be desirable” only pertains to the desires of Satan, hence his lie and deception of the masses, by twisting the Scripture (which, if you read 1 Corinthians 15:50-58), clearly states in the Word of God that The Rapture pertains not to bodies vanishing, but rather that “flesh and blood cannot inherit the kingdom of God”, and that those who are alive at the time of The Rapture will be changed to be like those who have already died in the body (yet still live in the spirit, having put on incorruption, and immortality, and are now sleeping in Christ, awaiting His return to be awakened to ascension into the kingdom of God).
The message delivered by the Holy Spirit is clear, as it merely states what is already contained within the Word of God. To be read as plain as day: The Rapture will be the raising of the dead in spirit, and the changing of those alive into the spirit, which merely involves separating their spirits from their bodies, causing the immediate lifelessness of those leftover bodies, yet, without any pain, suffering, or injury. We will not ‘die’, but simply be ‘changed’, exactly as the Word of God describes. It would be desirable for God to reveal the lies of Satan and give those who might hear and heed His voice and further warnings to see and know the truth; hence in the end times, when His Spirit is poured out upon many, and daughters and sons prophesy and run to and fro with increased knowledge.
I, too, am among them, and have been given the specific task of writing the revealing of God’s Truth, which has always been there, within His Holy Word, so that those who read it and belong to Him might hear His voice and be awakened, to see the truth, have the scales removed from their eyes, and come fully to faith in Jesus Christ.
Not all who read the messages on Unto Thy Word will believe (in fact very few, I would imagine, although, I myself cannot ever know how many or few that might be). And I cannot say that the truth of The Rapture is only to be found within the message imparted to me from the Holy Spirit to write down (obviously, as it is in the Bible; but further, how can I possibly know if there isn’t someone elsewhere in the world who has also been given the same message to share?).
Regardless, and ultimately, the Holy Word of God is the only way for a person to come to the truth. As already stated, the truth is there, within the Bible, as has been all along. I was simply tasked with pulling it out and bringing it singly to point, and that specifically within the message titled: Phronimos Dienthymeomai, which is merely one of nine complete messages to be found on the pages of Unto Thy Word (the 'Holy Spirit' page is simply an 'about' page containing info about 'The Rapture' message). I hope all of this helps to clarify question number three that you posed.
4. Why is the whole issue hidden and only revealed to selectively. I’m referring to the people who did not see Elijah being taken to the modern times (if it was self evident, would that be a good or a bad thing in today’s world?)
We’re back to Elijah again, where we began with question number one. Again, the answers to your questions lay within the message, so as I have stated before, if there remains confusion on your part, I highly suggest reading the message yet again. Involving those alive in the time of the catching away of the prophet Elijah (here I am presuming you refer to the fifty strong men and sons of the prophets?), yet, you then move forward from that time and event and seemingly include all who have lived up through modern times. Also, by “self-evident” I am uncertain of what you mean?
It is clearly stated within the message why no one other than Elisha witnessed the catching away of Elijah, and although, perhaps, there is no specific reason given for why none of the “fifty strong men” witnessed the fiery whirlwind, we simply must accept that if it was not the will of God for anyone other than Elisha to witness it, then that’s just how it is. The will of God is the will of God, and if we trust in Him, then we believe and have faith that everything He does or does not do (and of these things, even, may we never be overly presumptuous to know), are to serve the sake of all that is Good.
As far as what you mean (as I am uncertain) by “self-evident” in today’s world... are you referring to the fact that none can see our spirits when they leave our bodies upon death? On this, the “issue” is not “hidden” necessarily, but merely a law of all that is. We are human and live on a certain plane of existence, Adam. This plane of existence is material, made of solid forms that contain mass. Here on the earth, of which God created, exist many forms of life, all of a biological nature, again, made of that which makes up all of the physical world that we live in, and even all of the physical universe in which we exist, including our own solar system and galaxy, which is only one of untold numbers within the vast array of the universe, which is of an unknown magnitude, of which, perhaps, truly does go on for infinity.
All of this is different and utterly separate from the plane of existence of God, who resides in spirit form, in the spirit world of which He Is, therefore and hence, His statement of, “I Am.” Understand that when He created our “world”, God created something wholly separate and different from what He is. Mankind creates, invents, discovers... but we are limited to only creating from the things that already exist in our world and can be found within our plane of existence and awareness. Imagine the power, creativity, intellect, and sheer genius contained in a being who could think up something that does not exist in any form, and certainly not within God’s plane, and yet, He created a whole new plane of existence, which is the physical world, including all material, physics, matter — light and dark — and all biological entities, including sentient life, and finally, intelligent life, and in the physical form of the spiritual likeness and image of God Himself!
Before I wax poetical and cause the answer to your question to become so convoluted as to produce further confusion, rather than disperse it, I will simply say this in answer to your question: I cannot deem myself able, worthy, nor even remotely qualified to assign anything in this world as either “good” or “bad” in a world that I did not create, nor of a God that I cannot ever fully fathom, or even hope to come close to doing so (nor can any other human being alive today, or that has ever lived, or any that may still live yet, but do not exist at this time). If something is evident to human beings, that is God’s will. If something is not evident, again, that is God’s will. But of not being able to see spirits, with our eyes made of flesh and biological material... that would seem to be “self-evident”.
If we do not exist on the spiritual plane while in our biological bodies, how can we see that which exists on a plane of existence that is wholly separate from ourselves? And yet, a select few have, which I believe is at the heart of your question (though I cannot be fully certain I am understanding your inquiry correctly). God willed it so for Elisha to witness that which would and should otherwise be impossible for human beings to see. But Elisha did ask for a double portion of the spirit gifted to Elijah by God, who petitioned to God, and Elijah himself did not know if God would grant the request, being a mere mortal man (prophet set aside and irrelevant in the matter), and God chose to allow Elisha to see Elijah’s honor, and granted the double portion. For all things are possible with God, and nothing is impossible. But it is not a question or matter of being elite, or part of a select few, as if only a very exclusive minority are worthy of certain things. All are equal in the eyes of God, but it simply isn’t necessary for all to see what should be impossible to see. That is simply how it is.
Of all the points mentioned and knowledge imparted in the nine messages given to me to write down from the Holy Spirit, there is a unifying factor: Proof will not bring any soul closer to knowing or loving God. It is faith which brings us closer to God. And faith cannot be achieved through proof, or with evidence of anything witnessed, either by sight, or sound, or any other sense of our physical bodies. But we have spirits, all, and with our spirits come a sense of God. We have emotions, which man has attempted to explain through electrical impulses in our brains, chemical compounds and enzymes found within our bodies, hormones and pheromones, even studies of the psychology of the mind. And yet, scientifically, on all levels, we have failed, and always will, to explain basic emotions, such as: jealousy, hate, fear, shame, guilt, remorse, happiness, joy, elation, hope, and most of all: Love.
When we feel love for another, and we tell them so, the other must take it on faith, in the end, that the feeling is true. When someone tells you that they love you, Adam, in the end, you must take it on faith that they truly feel love for you. There simply are things in our lives that have no proof, no scientific evidence, nothing to show that it even exists, save for what we feel for ourselves, and what we choose to believe, even choose to put our faith in. What we feel for ourselves becomes our own truth, it is what we know for ourselves, and for ourselves only. We each must come to find faith in God; not through proof, or evidence of things seen, but through feelings of faith, hope, and love. And the greatest of these is love, for if you achieve a feeling of love for God, then comes the true hope and faith in Him. 1 Corinthians chapter 13 (NIV):
13 If I speak in the tongues of men or of angels, but do not have love, I am only a resounding gong or a clanging cymbal.
2 If I have the gift of prophecy and can fathom all mysteries and all knowledge, and if I have a faith that can move mountains, but do not have love, I am nothing.
3 If I give all I possess to the poor and give over my body to hardship that I may boast, but do not have love, I gain nothing.
4 Love is patient, love is kind. It does not envy, it does not boast, it is not proud.
5 It does not dishonor others, it is not self-seeking, it is not easily angered, it keeps no record of wrongs.
6 Love does not delight in evil but rejoices with the truth.
7 It always protects, always trusts, always hopes, always perseveres.
8 Love never fails. But where there are prophecies, they will cease; where there are tongues, they will be stilled; where there is knowledge, it will pass away.
9 For we know in part and we prophesy in part,
10 but when completeness comes, what is in part disappears.
11 When I was a child, I talked like a child, I thought like a child, I reasoned like a child. When I became a man, I put the ways of childhood behind me.
12 For now we see only a reflection as in a mirror; then we shall see face to face. Now I know in part; then I shall know fully, even as I am fully known.
13 And now these three remain: faith, hope and love. But the greatest of these is love.
But all this first must start with a choice that only you can make, Adam. Only you can make the choice to actively pursue God, to seek Him, know Him, understand at the very least (but of nothing insignificant at all) His love for you, even for the whole world. God loves us so much, He granted us the ultimate freedom to choose for ourselves, and then made the way for that choice to be available, through His Son, the Messiah, Jesus Christ.
I truly hope I have answered your questions satisfactorily, Adam. If you have further questions, I am here, and I will do my best to further address any concerns you may have. However, as always, first and foremost, I would refer you to His Holy Word, in whatever translation you might personally prefer. And please never forget that He is there for you, so the most direct course of action would be to go to God in prayer for further understanding. You can talk to God, Adam, and He will listen. If you ask Him earnestly, He will answer. Though it may not necessarily be in the timely manner that you might wish, be patient. I assure you, even while waiting upon His answer, He hears you. He hears our prayers long before we send them up to Him in thought or voice. He hears our hearts, He knows all things, but above all else, He loves us all, and God loves you, Adam.
The one question that remains is, do you love Him? If not, do you desire to? And if you do desire to know and love — and ultimately belong to God — what are you willing to do to achieve this? Are you willing to set aside knowing all that you may currently think you need to know, to achieve ‘belief’? Can you accept that you will never know or understand everything that you might wish to know? Are you willing to make sacrifices? These are endless, but a few examples might be: Having others laugh at you, should you express faith in the Lord, losing friends who say you’ve “changed”, or aren’t any “fun” anymore if you no longer wish to engage in certain activities. Again, these activities are endless in example: Excessive drinking, partying, smoking, illicit sex and drugs, occult practices, acts of hate, bullying, violence, lying for others, lying to hide your own sins, etc.
Many are not even willing to sacrifice the time it takes to read all of God’s Word. Many self-proclaimed Christians that attend church every Sunday, in fact, have not read the whole Bible even one time through, nor have so many even been Baptized in the name of the Lord Jesus Christ. And there are countless who have read the Bible many times over, and yet, they still don’t hear the voice of God, and they miss many truths that are right in front of their eyes. Many of these are those who teach others and lead entire congregations. There is a saying to the likes of, “The blind leading the blind”. In fact, this is a paraphrasing of a teaching of Jesus from the Bible: Matthew 15:13-14 (Berean Study Bible):
13 But Jesus replied, “Every plant that My Heavenly Father has not planted will be pulled up by its roots.
14 Disregard them! They are blind guides. If a blind man leads a blind man, both will fall into a pit.”
So, beware of all men, Adam, no matter who they may be, even the heads of churches. And as I say even in the very messages given to me by the Holy Spirit, trust neither myself. Trust in the Word of God alone. And so, I counsel you, above all other answers I might give, to go straight to God’s Holy Word for your answers, and even more so, into deep prayer with God, so that He may lead you to further teaching, guidance, and understanding of His Word. Yes, if you ask, He will lead you to what He wishes for you to know and understand within the Scriptures. Not all are meant to know, see, or understand the same things.
Aren’t you curious to know what specific understanding God may have assigned for you, Adam? I cannot tell you those things. Only God can lead you further. And so, I leave off with my own answers (and have kept my promise to you to answer your questions), and simply end with this:
God is real. The Holy Word of God, which is the Scriptures of the Bible, is the truth. It is wholly accurate (which is not to say that it covers everything, for if it did, there would be no end to the book, so long would it be!). Most importantly, the New Testament is accurate. Jesus is the Son of God (who was born into our plane of existence; a sacrifice made by God, and Our Father’s gift to us, all the people of the world). Jesus lived in human form, blameless and free of sin — the only human ever to do so — and He died for the sins of the world, becoming the Christ, the Messiah that God, His Father, had promised from the beginning, and as prophesied by so many of the prophets in the Old Testament. And Christ bought the forgiveness of the sins of the world, as a ransom, through the price of His blood shed, and His death upon the Cross. And lastly, Jesus Christ was resurrected and now lives forever, and whosoever believes in Him will be saved and also live forever.
This all was the foundation and beginning of Christianity and the New Covenant of God with His people (which includes not only the Jews, but also the Gentiles, hence, Jesus was sent to save the world). Jesus Christ is Lord, and so, as His Father who sent Him into our world, in testament of His love for us, and as He so promised, God made Jesus Christ equal to Himself, He and His Holy Spirit. And God gave all who would belong to Him over to His Son, to join the Holy Trinity through the Body of Christ, which is the final temple.
This is all within the messages given to me to impart, but you can find all these answers within God’s Word, for all the messages given to me are founded upon His Holy Word. If you use the messages on Unto Thy Word for anything in regards to guidance (because, as I’ve stated, trust no one, no, not even myself, for all trust must be placed solely in the Lord Jesus Christ and the Holy Word and Wisdom of God and His Word alone, in order to achieve true faith and love); I suggest you use Unto Thy Word as a guide, or starting point to the Scriptures, as in each message, multiple passages of Scripture (some lengthy, even employing at times entire chapters!) are referenced, since they are the foundation of each message.
True prophecy must be founded upon the Word of God, or else, it cannot be of God, nor be trusted. Any ‘prophet’ claiming to possess knowledge from the Holy Spirit, but without reference to Scripture, should be dismissed. And beware of ravening wolves, Adam, for there are dark forces who lurk in sheep’s clothing. If any proclaim not the phrase: “Jesus is Lord”; be wary, for they do not speak on behalf of the Lord. 1 Corinthians 12:2-3 (Berean Study Bible):
2 You know that when you were pagans, you were influenced and led astray to mute idols.
3 Therefore I inform you that no one who is speaking by the Spirit of God says, “Jesus be cursed,” and no one can say, “Jesus is Lord,” except by the Holy Spirit.
So now you are armed with the help to guard yourself against false prophets and those that might lead you astray. But God cannot lead you astray, Adam, so all further guidance must be sought through Him. That is what I must leave you with. Go to God, Adam, if you truly desire to know and belong to Him. If you truly wish to surrender yourself up to the one who created you (and the one who created all that you see and know), go to Him. This is your choice and yours alone to make and freely pursue. I pray that you will choose to be with Him. May God Bless you, Adam.
J******* W*** — †Jesus Christ is my Lord and Savior, whom I love more than anyone or anything else. Jesus is Lord. Amen.†